Our young people grow up in chaotic, uncertain times. Times in which the rules of the game of our society are constantly changing in all areas, and in which a clear perspective is missing. That causes us stress and unrest.
Strengthening the resilience, wellbeing and agility of young people helps them to feel good about themselves and develop to the full, despite the tough times in which they grow up.
Schools and higher education can count on my support through workshops for young people, train-the-trainer sessions, teaching materials and the keynote speech .
" My best advice to schools today is to focus on personal resilience and emotional intelligence "
Yuval Harari, author of Sapiens.
"My best advice to schools is to focus on personal resilience and emotional intelligence."
Yuval Harari, auteur van Sapiens.
WORKSHOPS for young people
The workshops equip young people with necessary competences for the 21st century, such as resilience, agility, emotional intelligence, etc.
They have been developed in 2 ways: as a series of 4 workshops, or as thematic workshops.
The workshops each last 2 hours and target groups of students of the third grade in secondary education or students of higher education.
The train-the-trainer sessions target teachers of the third grade in secondary education or teaching staff in higher education who want to work with their students on themes such as resilience, resilience and well-being.
In addition, they also target all educational staff that supports young people in their psychosocial development , such as student counselors, class teachers, educators of the boarding school, care coordinators, CLB employees, etc.
Je goed voelen is een basisvoorwaarde om goed te leren en goed te functioneren. Maar creëer je een school waar iedereen zich goed voelt. In mijn kijk op welbevinden op school licht ik alvast een tipje van de sluier.
Welbevinden heeft veel facetten. Op sommige heb je geen invloed als school, zoals de snel veranderende wereld of het onderwijssysteem. Maar je kan wel een cultuur creëren die welbevinden bevordert. en gerichte acties opzetten die het welbevinden versterken.
De coaching kan focussen op diverse aspecten, zoals de zelfzorg van leerkrachten, sociaal-emotioneel leren van de leerlingen, een beleid uitwerken dat gericht inzet op welbevinden, enz.